Mulberry Florida Homes for Sale
Mulberry Florida Real Estate listings are included below. These homes for sale in Mulberry Florida are updated every day from the Central Florida MLS. If you have any questions about any of these Mulberry Florida homes for sale, just click the "Request More Information" button on any property detail page. We'd love to answer any questions you have, and can provide the past sales history, tax information, and comparable sales for any listing. Let our team of professionals work for you!
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208 E Badcock Boulevard
Mulberry, FL 33860
Pipkins L N Add

Calling all cash buyers and investors! This charming 1915 bungalow in the heart of Mulberry is brimming with potential and waiting for your vision....
The Mulberry Florida Real Estate listings included above are brought to you by David Shippey. 863-521-4517
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