David Shippey


Posted By: David Shippey In: Buyer Tips
Date: Wed, Jun 7th 2023 8:58 am

Buyer Tip: Inspections

We always suggest a full home inspection, termite inspection, and septic inspection (if the home is not on a sewer). The results of these inspections give you a good picture of the condition of the home.

Spoiler alert: the home inspection report WILL NOT be blank. Inspectors list all minor and major issues, and that is exactly what you want to see. Sellers typically do not fix cosmetic items, but that is OK. This gives you a list of items to slowly tackle once the home is yours.

If the home is not new, I recommend a four-point inspection and wind mitigation report for insurance purposes. Bonus: The wind mitigation report may give you a better rate on your insurance premium!

Check with your Realtor for recommended inspectors. Comparing the seller's disclosure to the inspection findings may answer some questions.

For peace of mind, consider a limited 1 year home warranty at time of purchase. A home warranty costing a few hundred dollars could save you a few thousand dollars later for a new air conditioner if it is questionable.

Did today's tip spark a question? Give me a call!

David Shippey | Xcellence Realty
Unforgettable Service | Undeniable Results
Serving Central Florida Home Buyers and Sellers Since 2005